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Starting in November 2021, Philadelphia began switching to a new tax system that allows taxpayers to manage their taxes online. The new Philadelphia Tax Center is designed to make tax filing and payment as easy and convenient as possible. However, this also requires residents to learn a new system. Understanding this new system is especially important for businesses in Phidelphia, who file and pay numerous taxes. That said, the new system does have a few advantages, such as:
- Digital access to tax notices at any time
- Ability to file and pay city taxes online
- Less tax filing issues from lost or mis-processed paper returns
- Sharing with your CPA (that’s us!)
- Paperless billing
This system is also outfitted using the same platform as Pennsylvania’s new MyPath system. So, if you are already familiar with the new PA online platform, the new Philadelphia Tax Center should be intuitive.
That said, Philadelphia is phasing out their old online filing system. As a result, our firm is requesting that all of our clients create their own Philadelphia Tax Center account and share access with our firm. If you do not complete this, we will need to provide a package for mailing in paper returns to Philadelphia – which often results in lost returns, payments, and peace of mind.
If you are already a Philadelphia taxpayer:
You don’t need to create a “new” tax account with Philadelphia. You simply need to create a new username and password. Once you do this, you will then get a letter in the mail from Philadelphia to verify your identity. This means that you must make sure your mailing address is up to date. Check out our shortnotes on setting up an account below.
To get your account set up, watch this video: https://youtu.be/qZ_DrA6MNGM
You can also review these step-by-step instructions on getting your account set up.
- Update your mailing address with Philadelphia
- Go to www.tax-services.phila.gov and selecting “Existing Taxpayers” then “Create a username and password.” You will be asked for:
- Your SSN or EIN
- Contact information
- A new username and password
- Go back to www.tax-services.phila.gov and login with your username. You can then set up authentication with your email. Once this is done, Philadelphia will send a letter to your address on file to complete the registration process. (We know. That is time consuming. However, it means that if you wait until the tax deadline, you won’t have time to register.)
- Open your letter and login again, this time entering the letter ID on the mail you received.
If you need further detail on any of these steps, check out that video or this guide: https://bit.ly/3o9VPD7
If you are a new taxpayer to Philadelphia:
You will need to create a whole new tax account with Philadelphia. Start with this video: https://youtu.be/IPlGMYYjZTE
You can also review these step-by-step instructions on getting your account set up.
- Go to www.tax-services.phila.gov and then to “New Taxpayers” > select “Register as a new taxpayer.”
- Select “No” to the question if you are a tax professional.
- Answer the questions about yourself or your business.
- That’s it! As a new taxpayer, you will not receive a verification letter in the mail. Use your new username and password to log in to your account and start using the Philadelphia Tax Center immediately.
If you need further detail on any of these steps, check out that video or this guide: https://bit.ly/3o9VPD7
What can I do without a Philadelphia Tax Center Account?
- Make tax payments by eCheck or credit card
- Request a refund
- Print a payment voucher for mailing
- Respond to letters
Is my Philadelphia tax account number changing?
Yes – ish. For existing taxpayers, you will receive a new tax account number which is simply your old account number with three 0’s in front. For new taxpayers, you will receive a 10 digit id.
How will my accountant get access?
In order to access your tax account, we must request it directly. Once we do, you will receive a letter with a Letter ID. Our firm will need that letter to verify access and service your tax needs.
If you have any additional questions about using the Philadelphia Tax Center, you can contact the Philadelphia Department of Revenue at revenue@phila.gov or (215) 686-6600.